活動地點:科技學院 科技一館 328會議室
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SUTD’s unique academic structure is designed around the key concepts of interdisciplinary learning and research, human-centred design, digital competency as a foundation, and addressing large-scale real-world problems.
新加坡科技設計大學(Singapore University of Technology and Design, SUTD)是新加坡於2009年設立的一所新的國際大學,
講座:新加坡科技設計大學校長 方國光教授
Prof Phoon Kok Kwang is President, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), as well as Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor. He is a fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore (SAEng), the Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS), the Institution of Engineers Singapore and the American Society of Civil Engineers. In addition to being Treasurer of Academy of Engineering Singapore, he is also a member of the Committee of Government Scientific Advisors and the Singapore-Tianjin Economic and Trade Council. Prof Phoon also sits on the Board of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore.
He obtained his PhD from Cornell University. Prior to joining SUTD, Prof Phoon was Senior Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs) at NUS. He has also served as the Deputy Chief Scientific Advisor (DCSA) to the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore. Prof Phoon is a world leader in the development of statistical and machine learning methods for geotechnical engineering.